
Sunday, September 8:

Printable Sermon Notes

Strong Christians, Strong Ministry
(2 Timothy #5)
2 Timothy 2.1-7
September 8, 2024

I. Be strengthened by ___________________________________.

II. Make ________________ who will _______________________.

III. Endure _____________________________.

A. Like a _________________________ soldier
1. Not an __________________________ life
2. ___________________________________
3. Obedience and _______________________________
B. Like a _________________________________ athlete
1. ___________________________ training
2. ______________________________ to win
3. Conformity to _________________________
C. Like a ______________________________________ farmer
1. _______________________________ work
2. _______________________________ work
3. _______________________________

**Don’t look for an ___________, comfortable life serving Jesus.
**Faithfully serving Jesus involves ________________________.

IV. _____________________________________ these things.


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