
Sunday, February 16, 2025:

Printable Sermon Notes

(Malachi #6)
Malachi 2:17-3:5
Dr. Jeff Burris

I. Blasphemous Cynicism

A. The problem of ______________________________________

B. The problem of theodicy

C. The problem of ______________________________________

D. The problem of ______________________________________

II. God’s Response

A. I am coming, and you won’t ___________________________!

1. I am sending my messenger = ___________________________

2. The Lord is coming = _______________________
a. First Advent — came as ____________________________________ (3:1)

b. Second Advent — will come as ____________________________ (3:2)
c. He will purify _____________________________. (3:3-4)

d. He will judge _______________________________. (3:5)

B. God’s Gracious Warning
Jesus is coming. Judgment is coming. Are you prepared?
God will take care of _______________.

You worry about _________________.


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